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Competition is just an illusion

(all photos taken from

There is nothing like competition. I think that is as clear as it can get.

Look at people who have always been in competition. Competition to be the best; competition to be the world’s greatest; competition to be supreme. Nobody can be the best, but we can be better than we are.

Being competitive means having an edge over another person’s weakness. In school the major competition, especially in Kenya, is who comes out at the top of the class. As long as you are number one, everything in your life is said to be going the right direction. It is unfortunate nobody looks at other things like arts and sports. It is as if once you fail in education you fail in life. However, one harsh reality people have found out, those who work hard in education only become programmed to be hired by people who ‘failed’.

Competition involves doing whatever one can to be better than the other. Instead of trying to better our individuality and contributing to the society, we are always looking at buying the best car, the best phone, the best laptop, having the most beautiful wife, having the most macho husband, having the most beautiful and intelligent children, being the best tribe or race in a country, being the best country in a region, being the best continent in the world, and having the best military in the universe. It is always someone against the world.

One problem is that we can never be the same. We are all unique individuals and have different strengths and weaknesses. This is why we need each other. If you are the most richest person in society, you still need dealers and sellers of items such as food, clothes, cars, phones, tablets, other gadgets, you still need a bed, a kitchen (if you can employ someone to cook and clean in the house) maintenance for all your gadgets and appliances. You will still need to hire a guard for everything you own. These people are likely to be doing worse than you in life, yet they are very important. Just because somebody is doing better than you, has a beautiful life, has a good job with salary or looks happy in life, (while you don't have anything), does not mean you cannot challenge yourself to reach that person's level.


The Dalai Lama once said that human beings were the most surprising creatures he has ever had the pleasure of meeting. We work so hard in our daily lives to make a better living than the rest. We want everything the world has to offer at the expense of our health. Once we have everything, we try to regain the time and the health we have lost.

Once you win over someone, there is always that period you start asking yourself so what next? If there is no more competition a person tends to relax and start ‘enjoying’ life. But in truth, it is very lonely at the top. If you have to compete, compete with yourself to be better. The moment you look at others, you will fall into depression if you never reach them or become lonely once you surpass them because there is no one to compete with.


I am championing for challenging others instead of competing with them. What do I mean by challenging people? Tell them they can do it, or do it better. Encourage them to reach your level. Help them and raise them, once they reach you, continue challenging each other to be better. Moving together is fun and it reduces stress and depression. Whilst in a competition one would do anything to win, in a challenge you go together, grow together and become better. Look at our athletics today, numerous cases of doping and corruption, why? It is because people are competing to become the best. There is nothing wrong with athletics, but it is good to have a challenge. The audiences always love a good challenge. It is quite boring knowing who will win even before a race starts.

We cannot all be the best, but we can be better. We cannot all be the same, but we can use our differences to make our world a better place.


I have increased the number of blogs I write, because I was given a challenge. For the both of us, it is not about writing many blogs, but writing something to keep our minds engaged and write for the good of the society.

I challenge you to be better than you are today, and never forget God in your life.



  1. Agreed. We need a society where we are challenged to grow rather than compete to shine.

  2. There is no like button here, so, I like your comment


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