It was one of those days. Working late, because I was forced to. I was leaving the organization and my boss felt it important that I should know who is boss. She never liked me, worse still, I was really good at my work. The gap I was leaving could never be filled. She knew it. I knew it. The project I was working on could have earned her a big promotion, until I made the announcement. She was never going to forgive me for that. I couldn’t care less. I had big dreams and I knew I could not move up in that organization. I left the office, tired and burnt out. I wondered how I was going to wake up early the next day to come back. I was almost considering not coming back, then I remembered I needed a clearance letter from them for my next job. I had to. That night’s supper was bread and water. At least the peanut butter and jam added some ‘spice’. I was almost considering adding some beef cubes or tomato sauce. The life of a bachelor. If my mom found out, she would have move me ba...
I write random stories that I am inspired to write about. Some are true, others fictional, while others are just my opinion.